28 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to investigate whether a technique-oriented intervention would result in improvements in sprint running technique and sprint performance in youth soccer players. Fourteen youth soccer players with pelvis and trunk control issues were divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention group did three weekly 15 minute running technique-oriented training sessions over seven weeks while their counterparts continued with their usual training programme. Sprint performance and technique were assessed before and after the intervention with a Laveg device and two video cameras, respectively, during a 40-m maximal sprint test. The players of the intervention group showed improved control of the trunk and pelvis (p≀0.01) while no change was observed in the control group. Both groups showed a trend for improvement in sprint performance


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    Hurdling technique may not be the main factor to explain the differences in race performance between world-class hurdlers (BrĂŒggemann et al. 1999). However, it is likely that technical factors play a more important role in hurdling performance in less skilled athletes. Therefore, we examined the differences in hurdling performance between the specialized (hurdlers, HRDS) and non-specialized (decathletes, DECS) athletes

    Ankle and knee extensor muscle effort during locomotion in young and older athletes : Implications for understanding age-related locomotor decline

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    Age-related reduction in muscle force generation capacity is similarly evident across different lower limb muscle groups, yet decline in locomotor performance with age has been shown to depend primarily on reduced ankle extensor muscle function. To better understand why ageing has the largest detrimental effect on ankle joint function during locomotion, we examined maximal ankle and knee extensor force development during a two-leg hopping test in older and young men, and used these forces as a reference to calculate relative operating efforts for the knee and ankle extensors as participants walked, ran and sprinted. We found that, across locomotion modes in both age groups, ankle extensors operated at a greater relative effort compared to knee extensors; however, slightly less pronounced differences between ankle and knee extensor muscle efforts were present among older men, mainly due to a reduction in the ankle extensor force generation during locomotion modes. We consider these findings as evidence that reduced ankle push-off function in older age is driven by a tendency to keep ankle extensor effort during locomotion lower than it would otherwise be, which, in turn, may be an important self-optimisation strategy to prevent locomotor-induced fatigue of ankle extensor muscles.Peer reviewe

    Age-related reference intervals for physical performance test outcomes relevant to male youth Middle Eastern football players

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    Purpose: To develop age-specific reference intervals for physical performance test outcomes relevant to male youth Middle Eastern football players. Methods: We analyzed mixed-longitudinal data (observations range: 1751–1943 assessments) from a sample of 441 male youth outfield football players (chronological age range: 11.7–18.4 y) as part of the Qatar Football Association and Aspire Academy development program over 14 competitive seasons. Semiparametric generalized additive models for location, scale, and shape estimated age-specific reference centiles for 10-m sprinting, 40-m sprinting, countermovement jump height, and maximal aerobic speed variables. Results: The estimated reference intervals indicated that the distribution of the physical performance test scores increased monotonically and nonlinearly with advancing chronological age for sprinting and countermovement jump outcome measures, reaching a plateau after 16 years common to each of these performance variables. The maximal aerobic speed median score increased substantially until ∌14.5 years, with the nonlinear trend flattening off toward relatively older chronological ages. Conclusions: We developed age-related reference intervals for physical performance test outcomes relevant to youth Qatari football players. Country-wide age-specific reference intervals can assist in the longitudinal tracking of the individual players’ progress over time against benchmark values derived from the reference population

    Theology as study of human understanding : Locke on theology

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    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella John Locken teologiakĂ€sitystĂ€ erityisesti episteemisten hyveiden nĂ€kökulmasta. Locke kirjoitti teologiasta tieteenalana yhden kappaleen teoksessa Of the Conduct of Understanding, jossa hĂ€n mÀÀrittelee teologian tieteenalaksi, jonka lĂ€hdeaineistona on kaikki inhimillinen tieto ja ilmoitus. Locke mÀÀrittelee teologian tehtĂ€vĂ€ksi episteemisten hyveiden – eli inhimillisen ymmĂ€rryksen oikean kĂ€ytön – opettamisen. Aikaisemmassa aihetta koskevassa tutkimuksessa on todettu, ettĂ€ Lockelle tieto ei ole vain kokoelma irrallisia faktoja, vaan Lockelle tieto sisĂ€ltÀÀ myös implisiittisesti tietoa myös ymmĂ€rryksen rajoista ja sen oikeasta kĂ€ytöstĂ€, minkĂ€ vain teologia kykenee ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn. Tutkielman pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nĂ€ on tarkastella, miten teologia kykenee opettamaan episteemisiĂ€ hyveitĂ€. Tutkielman toisina lĂ€hteinĂ€ toimivat Locken An Essay Concerning Human Understanding ja Reasonableness of Christianity. Tutkielman metodi on systemaattinen analyysi. Vaikka Lockelle teologia kĂ€yttÀÀ lĂ€hteenÀÀn kaikkea inhimillistĂ€ tietoa, tutkielman sivurajoitteitten vuoksi aihetta kĂ€sitellÀÀn rajatummasta nĂ€kökulmasta. KeskittymĂ€llĂ€ Locken uskonnolliseen epistemologiaan, tutkielmassa pyritÀÀn selvittĂ€mÀÀn, miten teologia nĂ€kyy tiedossa Jumalasta, moraalista ja ilmoituksesta sekĂ€ siihen liittyvistĂ€ uskonasioista. Locken uskonnollisen epistemologian pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nĂ€ on selvittÀÀ uskon ja jĂ€rjen vĂ€linen suhde, mikĂ€ oikein ymmĂ€rrettynĂ€ johtaa harmoniseen kĂ€sitykseen niiden vĂ€lisestĂ€ työnjaosta. Rajatun nĂ€kökulman tarkoituksena on tarkastella inhimillisen tiedon rajoja sekĂ€ ymmĂ€rryksen oikeaa kĂ€yttöÀ uskonnollisen epistemologian alueella, minkĂ€ pohjalta tehdÀÀn yleinen tulkinta Locken teologiakĂ€sityksestĂ€. Tutkielma on jaettu kolmeen pÀÀlukuun. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ pÀÀluvussa tarkastellaan inhimillisen tiedon perusteita Locken filosofiassa valitun nĂ€kökulman kannalta. Toisessa pÀÀluvussa syvennytÀÀn Locken uskonnolliseen epistemologiaan. Kolmannessa pÀÀluvussa kahden edellisen luvun keskeisiĂ€ tuloksia kĂ€ytetÀÀn Locken teologian sekĂ€ episteemisten hyveiden vĂ€lisen suhteen tulkitsemisessa. Kolmannen pÀÀluvun viimeisessĂ€ alaluvussa esitetÀÀn myös tulkinta Lockelaisesta teologian harjoittajasta, jossa teologian vaikutukset ovat konkreettisesti havaittavissa. Tutkielmassa pÀÀdytÀÀn lopputulokseen, jonka mukaan Lockelle teologia kykenee opettamaan episteemisiĂ€ hyveitĂ€ sen rajoittamattoman lĂ€hdeaineiston vuoksi. Koska ymmĂ€rryksen vÀÀriin kĂ€yttöpahoihin liittyy liiallinen keskittyminen pelkkÀÀn yhteen inhimillisen tiedon muotoon, on seurauksena puutteellinen ymmĂ€rrys inhimillisestĂ€ ymmĂ€rryksestĂ€ itsestÀÀn. Koska teologia ei ole lĂ€hdeaineistonsa vuoksi samanlaisten rajoitteitten alainen, on sillĂ€ kyky opettaa episteemisiĂ€ hyveitĂ€. Teologian tutkiminen ja opettaminen Locken filosofiassa tarkoittaa tutustumista sellaisiin asioihin, joista ihminen ei tiedĂ€ mitÀÀn. Tutustuminen kaikkeen inhimilliseen tietoon toimii harjoituksena ihmismielelle, jonka myötĂ€ ihminen oppii inhimillisen ymmĂ€rryksen oikeaa kĂ€yttöÀ

    Knee and ankle joint stiffness in sprint running

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    Dix athlÚtes doivent courir sur une plateforme de force à une vitesse moyenne constante de 70, 80, 90 et 100%. Les forces de réaction au sol, la cinématique et les résultats de l'électromyographie sont analysés ensuite